The Physical Address: This is a 12-digit number also known as the MAC Address of your Network Adapter. The MAC Address for each network card in the computer will display in the Command Prompt window. Switch (config) # show mac-address-table Switch ethernet-default Vlan Mac Address Type Interface - 1 00:00:00:00:00:01 Static Po5 1 00:00:3D:5C:FE:16 Dynamic Eth1/1 1 00:00:3D:5D:FE:1B Dynamic Eth1/2 Number of unicast: 2 switch (config) # show mac-address-table unicast - Vlan Mac Address Type Port\Next Hop - 1 24:8A:07:2E:61:72 Dynamic Eth1/31 6 00:00:11:22:33:44 Static 6 00:00:66:77:88:99 Static 192.168.2. In the Command Prompt, type the following command and press the Enter key: getmac. It's worth noting that on some Cisco devices the command 'show mac-address-table' also works. Make sure that the jumper between GND and GPIO0 is there so that the board is in reflash mode. If it still doesnt work, check your connections. If the MAC addresses dont appear within a few seconds, disconnect the power to the board and reconnect it. If successful it should look like the picture. Click on Flash (E) to start the programming process. Next type the command 'show mac address-table'. Next enter 'enable' mode on the switch by typing enable.
Various of filter options available.įilter the table to a specific MAC addressįilter the table to a specific VLAN number (1-4094)įilter the table to a unicast addresses only On the layer 2 device (switch) enter the username and password if needed. The first 3 numbers are usually the same and each device gets a different value for the last number. That’s the four dotted number assigned to each device on the network. Show mac-address-table | unicast]ĭisplays the static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC addresses for the switch. To make a connection with a WiFi device, such as the ESP32 or ESP8266 you’ll need its IP address.